What is Ofsted looking for? Are pupils sufficiently challenged? How can I support my staff prepare for a Deep Dive? These are just a few of the issues that will be addressed at our FREE online forum for Maths Leads and Head teachers, running again due to popular demand.
Mastery and Ofsted – Preparing for an Ofsted Deep Dive – tips and reflections from those with recent experience! Online Forum for Head Teachers and Maths Leads 2.00 – 3.00 on Tuesday 29th March. Register here.
- A short presentation on the new Ofsted Framework
- Update on the new Early Years Framework and Ofsted expectations
- Reflections from local head teachers and maths leads who have recently been through a Deep Dive
- An opportunity for discussion of some of the tricky issues, led by our advocate heads who have considerable “mastery” experience
- Q and A with a panel of heads, mastery specialists and maths leads
- Info about FUNDED mastery programmes offered by Matrix Herts Maths Hub (no cost to you!)
This session is aimed at Head Teachers and Maths Leads, but other senior leaders are also welcome. Do share the link above. Post questions in advance on our Jamboard (click on the link then add a post-it) or just register and turn up!