Recruitment Window Opens – Wednesday 11th March
Recruitment Window Closes – Friday 1st June
Following the success of the Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme thus far, Maths Hubs, working in conjunction with the NCETM, are now seeking applications from secondary schools that wish to nominate ‘lead teachers’ to take part in an important three-year professional development programme leading to the designation of Secondary Mastery Specialist.
Schools nominating teachers for this role would be committed to the development of teaching for mastery in the lead teacher’s classroom, across their maths department and, later on, to facilitate and support the development of teaching for mastery in a small number of other interested secondary schools within their Maths Hub area.
What is the funding for the programme?
In 2020/21, the Maths Hub will cover the cost of the 15 days’ release time for the nominated lead teacher, amounting to £3,000 per school in total.
In 2021/22, the Maths Hub will cover the cost of the 15 days’ release time for the lead teacher (£3,000) and will fund the cost of the teacher enrolling and participating in the NCETM Accredited Secondary PD Lead programme. Travel costs to all the training residentials will also be covered.
In 2022/23, the Maths Hub will cover the cost of 15 days’ release time at £350 per day (when working with other schools) and £200 per day for internal hub work and meetings. In addition, £2,000 will be paid to each department working with the specialist to support their developments.
For a video link, full programme information and how to apply please click on this link.