A fantastic opportunity for senior leaders to participate in a morning of focused, learning, discussion and observation centred around strategically embedding, leading and supporting a Teaching for Mastery approach in maths.
We recognise that schools are at different stages in their journey to Teaching for Mastery and that many senior leaders have questions: “Why change when we have been successful historically?”, “What are the cost implications?”, “What does mastery entail?”, “What do Ofsted think?”
This single morning session will aim to answer many of the questions by:
- Exploring and defining some of the key principles of Teaching for Mastery
- Hearing from Philippa Moore, Head teacher at Windhill21 Primary School in Bishop’s Stortford, about their journey to implement Teaching for Mastery throughout the school. Windhill21 was recently graded Outstanding by Ofsted who said, “Pupils basic mathematical skills are very secure, which enables them to reason at a high level”
- Providing an opportunity to observe a Teaching for mastery style lesson delivered by James Berry, head teacher at The Lea, and trained Mastery Specialist.
Q and A session led by Maths Hub Leads, Head teachers and Mastery Specialists
There will also be details of how to link up with other schools in a workgroup and access to funding of up to £3,000 during your first year of mastery implementation.
Tuesday 26th March 2019
9:30am to 12:30pm
The Lea Primary School and Nursery, Moorfield Road, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 4LE