Mastering Number at KS2 Work Group focusing on multiplicative thinking.
In 2025/26, Maths Hubs will be offering schools the opportunity to engage in Mastering Number at KS2 Work Groups.
Knowledge of multiplication and division, and its applications, forms the single most important aspect of the KS2 curriculum and is the gateway to success at secondary school. It is also a key area that pupils often struggle with. Automaticity with multiplication tables relieves cognitive load and develops pupils’ confidence to achieve success.
The project offers schools that are involved in Mastering Number at Reception and KS1, and are also actively engaged in a Sustaining Work Group, the opportunity for teachers to develop the knowledge and skills to secure good multiplicative number sense and automaticity in times tables. The programme will focus on Years 4 and 5.
If you are interested in joining this Work Group in 2025/26, please complete the Expression of Interest form below: