Investigating the use of a key concept mapping tool to support classes with more than two year groups.
The focus of this Research Group is to investigate how a key concept mapping tool can be used to support sequential planning and use of Teaching for Mastery principles in classes with more than two year groups, or with an unusual mix e.g. Years 2 and 3 in one class.
The mapping tool will be trialled by participants in their own schools. It involves a mixed approach; teaching the whole class together where topics lend themselves to this (e.g. Geometry) while teaching other topics separately. Participants will explore, trial and analyse the mapping tool to support sequential mixed-age learning underpinned by teaching for mastery.
This is a really exciting opportunity to be involved in developing a tool that will support teachers working in mixed age classes in schools where PANs differ and classes are made up of multiple year groups.
Who can take part?
Participating schools must fulfil one of these criteria:
(i) there is a flexible PAN, which results in variation of the composition of classes year-on-year
(ii) classes have pupils from 3 (or more) year groups
(iii) pupils are grouped in Y2/Y3 and Y4/Y5 classes
What is the cost?
The Work Group is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme, so is free to participating schools.
Bookings are now closed for 2024-25. To express an interest in taking part in 2025-26, please complete the form below:
Expression of Interest 2025-26: Primary Mixed Age Research and Innovation Work Group
"*" indicates required fields
2024-2025 Work Group Dates:
Thursday 12th December 9:30 – 11:30
Thursday 6th February 1:30 – 3:30
Thursday 27th March 1:30- 3:30
Thursday 15th May 1:30 – 3:30
All sessions take place at Widford School, Ware Road, Widford, Ware SG12 8RE