Here are a few links which may be helpful for teachers/parents as they set work for pupils as home (we’ll be adding more links shortly):
NCETM (National Centre for the Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics)
- Curriculum Prioritisation Materials in Primary maths will help you identify the most important concepts and plan to teach them.
For a short high quality interactive lessons for primary pupils, each with a follow up task click here: Primary video lessons | NCETM
- Advice with shaping the year 7 curriculum, building on year 6
- For a range of teaching resources to support Secondary Teachers
For a range of teaching resources across all phases, useful during the pandemic and beyond click here: Teaching maths through the pandemic | NCETM
- Click here for a list of online education resources for home education
- Numberblocks – Sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks.
Maths with Parents – are currently providing free access to all of their resources to support schools and parents.
White Rose Home Learning resources offers a week’s worth of lessons and helpful videos for pupils from Early Years to Year 8. More resources added every week.
TWINKL have made some resources available to parents and carers free of charge. Visit and use the code UKTWINKLHELPS
BBC Bitesize Maths is an excellent source of information and interactive quizzes.
Maths on Toast – Weekly updated online activities designed for families with children aged 4 – 12 to explore and involve craft, construction, puzzles and creativity to enable everyone to develop and positive and ‘can-do’ attitude to maths.