Laying Mathematical Foundations in Early Years
supporting transition to Year 1) Herts 2
Who is this for? This project is aimed at schools who previously participated as a TRG school in the Primary Teaching for Mastery Programme, but not yet participated in any maths Early Years 3 day workshops from 2017-18 and 2018-19. Two teachers should attend from each school: a Reception teacher and Nursery teacher to work as a pair, if possible. One of the sessions will also be aimed at senior leaders within the school, and the maths lead should attend this session.
Overview: This project will explore best practice in Early Years and how this approach builds secure foundations in mathematics for transition into a teaching for mastery approach in Year 1. It will consider the progression in EY mathematical concepts – what children need to know and understand; approaches to planning and the inclusion of all children; and appropriate resources and contexts for effective learning. This will be facilitated by Lucy Parker, Zoe Akers and Diane Campkin.
What is involved? A commitment to attend all three days across the academic year. Participants will take part in research and specific gap tasks will be set, to allow participants to develop aspects of progression in learning in their own provision, and enable sharing of best practice.
This CPD is FREE to attend
However, participants must commit to the whole course and failure to show at any workshops may result in a non-attendance fee being charged.
For further information or to book a place:
Call: 01707 323693