With all children coming back into school, you might feel a bit overwhelmed wondering how on earth you can fit everything into the summer term. What we need to focus on is not “catching up” but prioritising children’s mathematical learning, so at the end of this academic year they are secure in the concepts that really matter.
The Mathematics Guidance which was released by the DfE in June 2020 and the excellent set of resources produced by the NCETM in September 2020 can support us with this. The NCETM have also released some new support materials and resources to help schools decide how to prioritise key concepts for the rest of this academic year. These documents include a curriculum prioritisation self-evaluation document, a curriculum planning map and a flow chart to help guide schools through the planning process focussing on the guidance released in 2020.
We are delighted to offer a choice of three fully funded online events each providing an opportunity to clarify how the documents could be used to support curriculum prioritisation and to share thoughts and ideas with Maths Leads and SLT members from other schools, all facilitated by Sally Barker one of our Primary Mastery Leads.
Please click on one of the links to the right to register attendance (please note: your joining link will give the start time as 1.30, but please join the meeting at 2.00pm)
Any queries please contact Kirsty Petinger : kirsty.pettinger@matrixmathshub.co.uk