Action research group with the aim of supporting teachers to plan for small cohesive steps, whilst enabling all children to develop understanding at greater depth.
This is a collaborative work group for KS1 and KS2 teachers, which proved popular and impactful last year. Spread over 3 full days in the autumn and spring, with intersessional tasks, it was highly influential on the practice of participating colleagues and their schools.
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the elements of effective lesson design and be confident in producing planning for sequential, coherent learning to take place (small steps) to meet the needs of all learners. A key focus this year will be planning for opportunities for children to demonstrate they understand a concept at a greater depth than age-related expectations.
The final session will include attending one of the Shanghai Showcase lessons at South Green Junior School, Billericay, delivered by visiting maths teachers from China.
This 3 day CPD is free to attend and aimed at Primary Maths Leads and teaching staff within schools that have previously participated as a TRG school in the Primary Teaching for Mastery Programme. Wherever possible, we would prefer each school to nominate 2 teachers to attend, since this enables further collaboration.
If you are interested to attend but have not been a TRG school with us in the past, please contact